Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ahhh Chew!

God Bless you! Gee look its been a really long time since I last posted! Ha! I knew I couldn't keep it going. But I will try again. Okay, quick and dirty on whats happened in the last eight months...I am a mommy...Heir to the Tucker legacy is William Scott Tucker, the cutest lil' guy in the world. It's actually true. I have been blessed with a good looking child. He is his daddy all over (except son has more hair than dad)! I am also still going to school. So close to an Associates I can taste it. School and child are doing well. Well, I meant this to be quick, and it is...and I will be back later today to see what else my brain will leak out. Till then, have a good one!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Ever feel that you just started something because everyone else has said that it is the "thing" to do? Haha! That is what this blog is starting out as. I guess a more appropriate start would be to introduce myself and my purpose for this blog. it goes.

I am Kirsten Tucker, currently of Abilene, Kansas. No...I don't know Dorothy. I am a disabled veteran, a soldiers wife, full time student, soon to be first time mom, poet-writer, and wanna-be published author. That is a lot. It's okay, take a moment. It's not really as much as one would think, it's only when listed as above that it becomes me. I have lived in various places around the country, spent some time over seas, but definitely not as much as others, I have some knowledge but don't profess to know everything. I leave that to my older sister, who is far more worldly than I. I am an American woman therefore I do have an opiion, regardless of knowledge about almost anything, I just know when to put it out there for general consumption and when not to.

Currently I am in-between job and school. School picks up again in January and the job, I don't know about that, it's on the back burnner. I am looking to support my writing habit with a job as a teacher. I am healthy and baby (henceforth to be known as Peanut) is doing well. I am just starting to feel him kick and move about pretty good. Course my husband and I don't know if it is a boy or girl yet, but we would definitely like a boy. He is deathly afraid of having a girl so I soothe him with the possibility of a son. Other than that, not much going on at present.

My purpose for this blog is to get myself put out there in hopes that when I get published, there will be some little group of people that already know who I am, are familiar with what I write and are willing to shell out a few clams just for lil' ol' me. We'll see how that goes. I am such a procrastinator, which could make things difficult for me. *Sigh*. I guess if I get enough people who make comments, (I'm desperate, it will only take one) then I guess I could at least keep up with this.

I warn that my format will not be on any particular topic and will undoubtedly swtichback around. Tummy-sensitive people beware. I will probably rant, hop up and down on my soap box and occassionally slap someone silly. I will also look into putting some of my work on here. One step at a time though. I do look forward to seeing I need to find people to thrust my blog at!

At any rate. Merry Christimas and Happy New Year.